Luna Station Quarterly #37 for sale through Bookish Universe!

Cover of Luna Station Quarterly issue 37
Gorgeous cover art by Leesha Hannigan

As thrilled as I am to have Ellie and Benji’s story published, there’s one aspect of the situation that’s been making me sad: I could only find physical copies of Luna Station Quarterly, the all-female (and female-inclined) magazine that published Two Monsters Down in the Dark, for sale through Amazon.

I generally go out of my way to avoid Amazon and their horrifying treatment of their workers, not to mention the tax avoidance, monopolisation of book sales (and, increasingly, everything-else sales), and poor treatment of customers who foolishly thought they actually owned the books they had bought.

So the news I have to share today absolutely delights me.

The lovely Steph over at Bookish Universe has agreed sell Luna Station Quarterly issue 37 (a.k.a. the one with Two Monsters in it) at Continuum SF Convention in Melbourne – and through the Bookish Universe online store!

Pre-orders are your friend – and your bookseller’s friend too

If you want to pick the book up at Continuum next month, I strongly urge you to visit the website and pre-order it online in the coming week. It’s risky for a small bookseller to stock a relatively unknown publication, and the more people they know want a copy, the more copies they can safely order in for the convention.

Over on Bookish Universe, you can buy a copy today for pick-up at Continuum (just select the “pick up” option at checkout). Or if you’re a bit strapped for cash right now, you can email Bookish Universe to register your interest in buying a copy next month at the con.

Either way, please let them know by next Sunday (26th May), so they have time to order it in before the convention.

Alternatively, if you’re not going to be at Continuum, you can just buy a copy online the old-fashioned way* and they’ll deliver it to you anywhere in the world.

*Good grief, did I really unironically type that?

And if you’re reading this in Australia today, hang in there.

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